A Shrill Small Voice

A Shrill Small Voice

April 07, 2024 | Mark Piedmonte

Passage: John 20:19-29

I recently pulled a good book from my shelf. (No, not the “Good Book” – that one is always off the shelf!) But a book called “A Prayer for Owen Meany,” by John Irving. It’s one of my favorites. Have you ever read it?
At its heart is the relationship between the author, John, and the title character, Owen Meany. Their friendship is a classic “opposites attract” scenario – especially when it comes to their faith in God. Owen is a true believer; John isn’t so sure and has many doubts. But despite many “shouts” between them, each respects the other. In the end, John’s faith takes a turn and is deepened. This is due to Owen’s friendship and his persistent voice of witness – heard in word and action.
I thought of Owen and John as I thought about good old “Tom” in our scripture reading for this week. I thought of Thomas and his friendship with the other disciples. It’s almost as if there was sign on the door where they hid that must have read: “Doubters Welcome.” Why else would Thomas had stuck around? And it’s a good thing he did: otherwise he might have missed Jesus’ visit and his chance to touch and feel and to know the resurrection was real.
If you ask me, Thomas gets a bad rap and so does “doubt,” as if there’s no room for doubters among the faithful. But indeed, doubt is often just the seed we need to come to believe in Jesus as our Lord and our God. And the church is to be the community that welcomes doubters and offers a place to stay while they figure out who Jesus is and what He means to them.
What have been – or may be - your own doubts as you make your way through a life of faith? Who has been a “persistent voice” for you to keep you grounded and balancing doubt and faith? In what ways have you touched and seen the Lord that have made you say: “My Lord and My God?”