All Around The World

All Around The World

October 02, 2022 | Mark Piedmonte

Passage: Acts 18:1-22

Reflection: This week we celebrate the Lord’s Supper in a unique and powerful World Communion Sunday is always held the first Sunday in October. WCS is a day when we imagine that we break bread with our fellow Christian sisters and brothers in every corner of the world. We do as we remember the churches Paul founded in his missionary journeys, spreading the gospel message. One of those churches was in the ancient city of Corinth – a church which history tells us was often in conflict. Still, it is in his letter to them that Paul wrote what we call the “words of institution” – Jesus’ instructions on how to remember Him in the communion meal. Even today, when churches face challenges – the meal still bids us to remember Jesus and all that he did so that we - the Church - may live to bear His name.