But Wait...There's More

But Wait...There's More

June 18, 2023 | Mark Piedmonte

Passage: Romans 5:1-11

Reflection: We’ve all seen those commercials for “As Seen on TV” products. They all promise that whatever it is they are selling – it is simply the best and you must have it. To entice you to buy they throw in more stuff - for free! The announcer will say with excitement and glee: “But wait, there’s more! Buy now – and you’ll also receive…” You can fill in the blank from there.  The goal of these ads are obvious: To convince us that life would be SO much better if we just had the product!

This Sunday we will hear from a section of Paul’s letter to the Romans in which the apostle gleefully and passionately lays out the foundations of our faith as Christ-followers. As the section goes on, Paul gets more excited, building on the best benefits of having Jesus Christ in one’s life. Paul’s mission is clear: To convince all who hear that life would be SO much better if we have Jesus in our lives and know the saving power of His grace.  

 I invite us to share the answers to these questions. How has following Jesus benefited your life? How would you describe those benefits to others? Where would you start? What would you add? Where might Christ be seen – not on TV – but in your life as a disciple?