Called as Partners
August 14, 2022 | Mark Piedmonte
Passage: Acts 13:1-3
Reflection: Do you have an encourager in in your life? Someone you can always count on to speak words of encouragement to you – words that lift you up and help you get through the toughest times? Everyone needs encouragement at some time in their life.
The Book of Acts introduces us to a man named Joseph who was known for his gift of encouragement – especially to the early church leaders and members. He was even given a nickname by them: Barnabus (“The Son of Encouragement”).
What a way to be remembered! And what a needed gift for the early church – even for Paul who would need all the encouragement he could get as he sets out on his mission to bring the Gospel to the Gentiles. Barnabus is sent with him and will be there to encourage him through many ups and downs, successes and trials.