Full Body Scan

Full Body Scan

September 01, 2024 | Mark Piedmonte

Passage: 1 Corinthians 11:17-34

Anyone who has ever had a “full body scan” by a dermatologist knows that the experience can be a little uncomfortable. But we also know just how essential such a regular check of the body can be to assure we are safe and healthy.

In our reading for Sunday, we will hear the “words and instructions that were handed down” to the Apostle Paul and that he then handed down to us: That is, the “words of institution” and the mandate to celebrate the Lord’s Supper often. Before celebrating the meal, Paul tells us to fully “examine the body” to assure that we are eating and drinking rightly. That is: Paul calls us all to look inward - and all around - to examine ourselves so we may rightly remember Jesus. By doing so, we may see where we’re not being Christ-like – and have an opportunity to again commit to assuring that there is room at the table for all people. Such an examination can be uncomfortable, but it’s an essential practice. To not do so can - and will - have serious spiritual implications on the church.