Full Flavored
February 05, 2023 | Mark Piedmonte
Passage: Isaiah 58:1-14
Reflection: This week's teachings will be familiar - "You are the salt of the earth; You are the light of the world." We've heard them, said them, sung them - but what do they really mean? How are we all called to be “salt,” flavoring the world with our lives as followers of Jesus Christ? How do we assure we don't lose our flavor along the way? Do we really provide light in dark places? Do we place our light high up for all to see - or do we barely show it - or cover it up?
Jesus’s words challenge his disciples - then and now - to shine and to dine on a full-flavored "live-it" (not a “die-it”) of faith - and to invite others to do the same at the table of grace. Let's learn this week together how we are called to shine and share our saltiness with the world.