Go For It!

Go For It!

June 26, 2022 | Mark Piedmonte

Passage: Acts 5:12-42

Reflection: We’ve all heard or used the phrase “Go for it!”  It’s a popular phrase used to capture the fighting spirit and to encourage another or even oneself - when you’ve got a goal or you’re on a mission – to be bold and fearless in your conviction and to “go for it!” - no matter what or who tries to stop you.

The Book of Acts tells us of the early Church’s need to constantly “Go for it” in the face of much opposition. Our reading this week is no exception – where we’ll hear again of the arrest and imprisonment of the Apostles. They again must dig in and find courage and boldness to give their witness to the risen Lord Jesus. They, too, will find an unexpected advocate within the ranks of the religious leaders who speaks a word to his colleagues to be careful not to try to “bust up” this new Jesus movement – because if it’s truly God’s doing - they won’t have a fighting chance.
Let’s learn from Rabbi Gamaliel this week as we all continue to be bold in our witness to our faith in Jesus.