Lights On

Lights On

March 17, 2024 | Mark Piedmonte

Passage: John 12:20-30

Well, the calendar may say that it is spring and man, the light of the sun sure has felt good – at least for a few days this week. It’s just so good to be in the light, especially after the darker days of winter, right?
I hope we’ve all known the feeling of just being in the light, with our face turned toward the sun, and the way it just makes our day as the light fills us up. The light energizes and invigorates us; it keeps us grounded – and it keeps us going, does is not?
In our Gospel passage this week, Jesus encourages His disciples to be in the light – and to be “children of light.” He tells them this at one of the darkest times of his life – as He keeps going closer to the cross, grounded in His purpose as the Messiah. He does so knowing that His disciples do not fully “get” him or understand why He must be “lifted up.” Many question: What kind of Messiah can He really be?
But through the darkness of the cross before Him – Jesus also sees the glory of God and the light of the resurrection. He says, to any who follow Him: Walk with me and you too will see the glory of the resurrected life. Walk with me and you too will be light bearers of God’s love and peace – a light that lives in your heart.
Questions for this final week of Lent, then: How has your Lenten walk been? Are you lost in darkness? Are you turning your face toward the light? Are you ready to walk with Him into Holy Week as a child of light – facing the necessary darkness of the cross as we await to celebrate the glory of Easter? Think about it. Read and pray on the scriptures. Let’s talk about God’s Word – on Sunday or any day.