Mangia! Mangia!

Mangia! Mangia!

July 02, 2023 | Mark Piedmonte

Passage: John 6:1-15

Reflection: I can never sit down to a family meal, or a Fourth of July picnic, or any occasion around the table without hearing my mom inviting us to “Mangia! This is a great Italian word for “eat.”  But it doesn’t mean to just engage in the physical act of eating; it’s an invitation to sit, and stay a while, and to share with and enjoy the experience of eating together – one bite at a time. 

It’s in the spirit of “mangia” that the Gospels tell us about the “Feeding of the 5,000” – a familiar story detailing an extraordinary meal.  It was familiar to all four Gospel writers and it’s an account of Jesus’ ministry that all four were sure to include.  That tells us this “feeding” is important for me and for you - and for all who strive to dine with Christ every day of our lives. 

John’s telling of the account is coupled with one of Jesus’ “I AM” statements, when he later says “I AM the bread of life” – to any and all seeking to follow him.  We need to get this:  That it is He who calls us to the feast – and it is on him that we are called to feast.

This week, as we come to the Lord’s Table, let us ask ourselves: What does it mean to be called to feast on Christ in our lives? To sit with Him and stay a while and enjoy?  How can we invite others to join us?