New Roads
January 05, 2025 | Mark Piedmonte
Passage: Matthew 2:1-12
This Sunday, the church celebrates the Feast of the Epiphany - the time when “wise men from the East” came to worship the Christ child. But did you know that the Church celebrates the Epiphany not only for a day – but for an entire season? The Season of Epiphany lasts all the way until Lent. When taken seriously, this can be a time to begin to understand our faith in a new or clearer way.
As we enter this season of Epiphany together, ask: What epiphanies might you hope to make – be they through prayer, Bible study, or engaging in conversations about our faith? Where are you beginning this Season of Epiphany – and where would you like to arrive? What different roads might you take to help get you there and thrive?