Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

March 24, 2024 | Mark Piedmonte

Passage: Luke 19:29-44

It’s Palm Sunday – and as such we will again hear of Jesus’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Luke tells us that as Jesus rode into the city, the religious leaders were insisting that He tell His followers to quiet down. I love Jesus’s response when he says that even if they were able to be silenced – even "the stones" would continue to shout out!
What a better way to “start-up” Holy Week than with a service of Baptism for Kade and Kolten Hoffman! Let’s listen and be blessed as they are welcomed into the family of the Church, sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked as children of God forever. As we do, let’s join them and their family, promising to firmly stand behind them – as they - and we together - continue to be the Church – never staying quiet in our faith in Jesus Christ.