Pssst...Wake Up!

Pssst...Wake Up!

October 16, 2022 | Mark Piedmonte

Passage: Acts 20:7-12

 C’mon, admit it. We’ve all done it. We’ve all nodded off during a sermon. We’ve all fallen into slumber while the pastor is speaking, only to be awakened by a nudge or a whisper saying “Pssst…wake up!”  It’s okay to admit it. Every preacher knows it. Sometimes it’s hard to keep people’s attention. The key for us all, though, is to be sure we’re not sleeping through our faith, but rather that we are fully awake to the power of Jesus helping us rise when we fall and making our lives extraordinary. 
How do we stay awake in our faith? How do we witness to Jesus in a way that may lift another up and give hope for new life?  On Sunday, we will meet Eutychus, a sleepy and very lucky young disciple. In his story, let’s discover how we may stay awake to proclaim the new life made possible for all in Jesus.