The One That Almost Got Away

The One That Almost Got Away

April 14, 2024 | Mark Piedmonte

Passage: Luke 24:36-48

At the beginning of his earthly ministry, when Jesus calls the first disciples – all fishermen - he promises them that they will learn to fish for women and men.
At the end of his earthly ministry (which comes not at his loss on a cross as the disciples may have thought, but in the glory of his resurrection), Jesus “opened their minds” (Luke 24: 45) to understand why he had to suffer and die and rise. All this, he says, was for “repentance and forgiveness of sins.” (Luke 24: 47) To all this, he says: “you are witnesses.” (Luke 24: 48)
In other words: Go fish! Cast the lines of this good news and see where it sticks. Don’t hold back, go all in – and offer your witness to any and all who will listen. Our Christian witness is a great gift we are called to give – to one another within the church - and maybe most especially to anyone who sits outside at the “gate” wondering if he or she is invited in. (Acts 3)
Let us pray that we, as Christ’s witnesses - empowered by the Holy Spirit – may continue to fish in many ways with hope and faith - that by the power of Jesus’s name - all will find themselves walking the way of Christ, and “leaping and praising God.”