Series: The Gospel of Mark
Awake and Alert
September 19, 2021 | Mark Piedmonte
Passage: Mark 13:1-37
This week we will see perhaps more clearly than ever that the message and ministry of Jesus is serious business. In some of His last teachings with His disciples, Jesus lays it down that what’s about to come next – His arrest and death – will have downright apocalyptic consequences. He uses apocalyptic images that drive the point home: destruction and calamity, earthquakes and darkness will be all around. At its best, it’s concerning – at its worst it’s downright terrifying to imagine. And Jesus says it’s coming.
Let’s make no bones about it - the apocalypse is bad news! (And perhaps we may even look at the news of our day and wonder: This must be it. The end is coming soon. We’re doomed!) Whenever we come to any “apocalyptic” readings in the Bible, though, it does us good to remember a few things: For one, there’s Jesus’s own reminder to us: “But about that day or hour no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” In other words, we shouldn’t concern ourselves with looking for it. Also, the word “apocalypse” may not mean what we think it does. It’s not about the end of things; it’s really about new beginnings. And finally, we’re called to always be ready – alert and awake – for the new beginnings that God has in mind for us – the ways that Jesus can change and shape and mold our lives when we choose to live with Him in the Kingdom of Heaven.